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Test of Basic Auditory Capabilities,
Modification 4 (TBAC-4)

And the National Auditory Capabilities Database (NACD)

How is the TBAC-4 scored? What measures of performance does it provide?

The TBAC-4 is scored by automatically uploading the test file after the tests have been completed. Test performance is assessed in relation to the scores achieved by a population of 338 young adults with normal hearing (as measured by pure-tone audiometry). The performance measures provided for each subtest are the following:

1) Percent correct.

2) The listeners percentile ranking, in a population of young adults.

3) An estimate of the threshold for each test, in dB, milliseconds , or Hz, as appropriate to the test.

4) A graphical representation of the scores of the total reference population, showing the position of the listeners score relative to the scores achieved by that population.

In addition, estimates of four other measures are provided, based on factor analyses and structural equation modeling of the performance of the normalization group (see Kidd et al., 2007).

1) Percentile rank of the ability to resolve differences in intensity and duration.

2) Percentile rank of the ability to resolve differences in spectral and temporal properties of unfamiliar sounds.

3) Percentile rank of the ability to identify familiar sounds, both speech and nonspeech.

4) Percentile rank of overall auditory ability, or ˇ°Auditory Gˇ± (GA).

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