Test of Basic Auditory Capabilities,
Modification 4 (TBAC-4)
And the National Auditory Capabilities Database (NACD)What special properties might make the TBAC-4 useful as a research tool, for instruction in courses on auditory science, sensory psychology, linguistics or music?
1) The tests have demonstrated reliability.
2) This selection of eight subtests provides scores expressed in percentile ranks relative to a population of young adults with normal hearing, and, also estimates of thresholds in Hz, milliseconds or dB, as appropriate. An estimate of the General Auditory Ability, GA, is also provided, as reported in Kidd et al. (2007).
3) The tests employ a trial structure that is designed to minimize the effects of response biases and overall cognitive load, in order to achieve as pure measures of auditory abilities as possible.
4) The goal of (3) is at least partially achieved, as demonstrated by the absence of correlations between performance on this test and general intelligence (Kidd et al. 2007).
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