What is the
Indiana Speech
TRaining Aid?
Originally intended for use with the hearing impaired (Kewley-Port,
1994), ISTRA has also been used in training programs with normal-hearing,
misarticulating and developmentally delayed children and adults.
ISTRA training has been shown to be clinically effective to improve
speech intelligibility. (Kewley-Port, Watson, Elbert, Maki, and
Reed, 1991).
ISTRA is not a subtitute for a teacher of the deaf or speech-language
pathologist, but is a training aid designed for use by clinicians
and other professionals. It provides client-tailored, long-term
drill sessions with detailed records of progress.
software package employs several levels of competitive games as
well as eye-catching graphics to enhance motivation during speech
training drills. Thus, ISTRA permits the implementation of drill
sessions for several clients under the supervision of a single clinician.
ISTRA uses speaker-dependent automatic speech recognition to provide
individualized speech practice using phonemems, whole words and
phrases (Anderson and Kewley-Port, 1995).
Feedback to clients is based on the quality of the client's production
and has been shown in research to correlate with SLP judgments.
(Watson, Reed, Kewley-Port, and Maki, 1989). The feedback about
speech quality is immediate and motivating such that the client
produces vocabulary items at a very rapid rate.
Partial list of ISTRA peer-reviewed research publications.
Anderson, S. and Kewley-Port, D. (1995). Evaluation of speech
recognizers for speech training applications. IEEE Transactions
on Speech and Audio Processing,Vol. 3, No. 4, 229-241.
Kewley-Port, D. (1994). Speech Technology and Speech Training
for The Hearing Impaired. The Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative
Audiology, (Monograph), XXVII, 251-265.
Kewley-Port, D., Watson, C.S., Elbert, M., Maki, D., and Reed,
D. (1991). The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA) II: Training
curriculum and selected case studies, Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics,
5, 13-38.
Watson, C.S., Reed, D., Kewley-Port, D., and Maki, D. (1989).
The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA) I: Comparisons between human
and computer-based evaluation of speech quality. J. of Spch. Hearing
Res., 32, 245-251.